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China Calls on Russia and Ukraine to Resume Talks Without Preconditions

Deputy Permanent Representative of China to  the UN Dai Bin, speaking at a meeting of the Security Council of the world organization on  Ukraine , said that Beijing calls on Moscow and  Kiev to resume negotiations without preconditions, and the international community should contribute to this, TASS reports .

According to the permanent representative, diplomatic negotiations are the only way to resolve the Ukrainian crisis, and the world community should encourage peace and negotiations, as well as work to create favorable platforms for the resumption of negotiations. He added that it would not be easy to bring the conflicting parties to the negotiating table, but it would be the first step towards a political solution.

“We call on Russia and Ukraine to resume negotiations without preconditions. Ukraine is not an arena for a struggle between large countries, no one should seek to benefit from this conflict,” the diplomat stressed.

As part of this meeting, the Swiss Foreign Ministry announced its readiness to organize talks on Ukraine at any convenient time.

Source : Gazeta

